Sunday, January 30, 2011

Homemade Food Is Good Food

Most food is far better that anything you can buy. So for a great rule of thumb, if you can make it at home instead of buying it at the store, that’s ALWAYS the best choice. It’s healthier, usually cheaper and far more satisfying. One of the greatest pleasures is to learn make things at home. You will be far more self sufficient and a great resource in any environment. Thinking of the economy it’s important to know how to hold your own, now more than ever. Gourmet cooking isn’t the skill that everyone needs to have, but far more simple and basic cooking knowledge and proficiency.

1. Customize Your Food
Making homemade gives you the chance to customize your food. You don’t have to have ‘their’ choices of flavors, spices and ingredients. If I’m making chicken pot pie, then I want to leave out the carrots, but buying premade I simply don’t have that choice. I’d rather put in some potatoes, but I can’t. With everything from breakfast foods to lunch, dinner and desserts it’s the same.

2. Make It Healthy
Since you’re in charge, you can substitute regular ingredients that have less saturated fat, les sodium and you can leave out the preservatives completely. In addition to all the things you can leave out, you can can add things that are healthier. Adding vegetables, fresh ingredients and other simple substitutions are great ways at making your food far healthier.

3. Make It When You Need It
Time is a luxury to everyone and spending large amounts of time at the grocery store walking up and down the aisles searching for all of the things  you need to stock your shelves is made far easier when you are in control and are baking and cooking off of a standard list of staples. You can control your spending and your eating.

4. Make It Cheaper
Besides from making the right quantity and not being wasteful, it still is cheaper to make things at home that purchasing. Buying basic supplies in bulk becomes the best way to go and saves money immediately. Eating healthier is always cheaper in the long run as health care costs far more. Our entire country is facing the impact of eating poorly and it’s costing us all.

5. Make The Right Quantity
So much of the premade and prepackaged food has a serving size that varies substantially from real life. Some serving sizes are so tiny that you’d have to have 6 portions to make a meal. Other serving sizes are so large that it would take you and a couple of neighbors to come over and finish it off.

6. Get Creative
Oh ya, creativity is fun too, isn’t it. By being creative at food combinations, flavors and taste profiles you can express your culinary expertise and passion.

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