Monday, August 22, 2011

Kobe Beef or Wagyu Beef - Which is it?

People often get confused or consider Kobe Beef and Wagyu beef to be the same exact thing. They just know that they are both expensive and therefore talk like they know. Here is a simple overview so that you will be more informed next time someone wants to talk about expensive beef. Here's the real scoop on Kobe Beef:

1. Wagyu is a breed of cows that would be considered like Holstein or angus. They are usually found in Japan, and other parts of Asia, but you will find them in other countries, like the US too.

2. Kobe Beef is the actual cut that comes from the specific Wagyu cows that were raised in the Kobe area of Japan. Not only is it the area that it comes from important to be considered Kobe beef, but also the specific breeding methods and even a specific butchering process that will render the most tender pieces of beef with the trademark marbleizing.
cow breed - wagyu beef

A Wagyu cow

Don't be fooled by Wagyu beef. It does not mean that it's Kobe beef.
All Kobe Beef is Wagyu, but not all Wagyu is Kobe.

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